Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Chapter II


A. English Language Learning
Being an international language, English is spoken in most international events and is used as the medium of information on science, technology, and culture as well as result, people who want to keep abreast with the culture, scientific, and technological advances must deal with this language. Realizing the importance of the language, the Indonesian government considers it as the first foreign language and a compulsory subject to be taught in Elementary Schools, High Schools and University. Even, in certain regions, English is now taught at kindergarten and preschools as an additional subject. In order to make the English teaching successful, we have to consider some factors.
Learning takes place most successfully when the students are put in communicative situation in the target language. Therefore, there is no need for formal instruction (e.g. the teaching of grammatical point). Instead, the students are simply asked to perform communicative activities in which they have to use the foreign language. The more they do this the better they are at using the language.
Although English is taught at all the school grades (Elementary and High Schools), the result of the teaching program in our country has not been satisfactory. Students learn English, because English is a compulsory subject, they have to study it. Therefore, they only learn English, but do not acquire it. Furthermore, they do not have any aims about their English learning.
1. English as the First Foreign Language in Indonesia
There are some reasons why people learn English as first foreign language. People who want to learn foreign language may have a number of reasons for doing so. The following are some reasons why people learn English:
a. The first reason is the target language community. Because students live in the target language either temporarily or permanently, they have to learn the language so that they are able to speak the target language to survive in the community.
b. The second reason is for special or specific purpose. In this case, a student has some specific reasons to learn English. For example, he wants to understand books or newspapers that are written in English.
c. There are students who learn English because of the school curriculum. Since English is a compulsory subject and a part of curriculum, students have to study it.
d. Furthermore, there are students who learn English because they are attracted by the culture of the target language. The students want to know more about the people who speak English and places in which English is spoken.
e. The next reason is advancement. Some people believe that if they have a good knowledge of a foreign language they will get a better job.
There are various reasons in studying English as the foreign language. In this regard, it is important for a teacher to know what reasons that motivate their students to learn English.
In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language. The Indonesian government has chosen it as the first language to be taught at schools. It has been taught as one of the compulsory subject in all high schools beginning from the first grade of Junior High School up to the third grade of Senior High School, even from the Elementary School. The Indonesian government chooses English as the first foreign language because it has a very important role in international relation.

2. Factors Affecting Foreign Language Learning
There are a number of factors, which affect the success, or failure of second or foreign language learning. Daman presents taxonomy of the factors affecting second language acquisition, which is compiled by Schuman. This taxonomy includes social, affective, cognitive, biological, aptitude, personal, input, and instructional variables.
a. The social factors include the length of a residence in the target group, and other such factors.
b. Affective variable have something to do with motivation, cultural shock, and attitude.
c. Personality factors include tolerance for ambiguity, self-esteem, and ego orientation.
d. Cognitive factors relate to cognitive style, field dependence or field independence, and other such constructs.
e. Biological factors are those, which form the basis for learning.
f. Aptitude and personal factors relate to factors, which are to the internal the learner. Input factors and instructional factors are inherent in the classroom context.

3. The Senior High School Students
Senior High School students have special characteristics that make them different from younger and older students. As teacher, it is essential for us to understand their characteristics, so that we will be able to design the material. They face physical and emotional changes from kids to be adults. Adolescence is a period of change, new experiences, learning new rules, and uncertainty. They also have a good ability in communicating with others.
The range of the age of Senior High School students varied between 16 to 18 years old. The students reach their adolescence in this period. Most of the people regard adolescence as conflict. During this period, there is a need for students to find out about whom they really are and what they are going to be. They start to seek for status and personal recognition from their friends as if they want to declare existence among themselves.
The “terrible teens” are an age of transition, confusion, self-consciousness, growing, and changing bodies and minds. What a challenge for the teacher! Teens are in between childhood and adulthood, and therefore a very special set of considerations applies to teaching them. Perhaps because of the enigma of teaching teenagers, little is specifically said in the language-teaching field about teaching at this level.
Harmer said that “it is widely accepted that are of the key issues in adolescence is the search for individual ideality, and that this search provides the key challenge for this age group”.
Identity has to be forged among class mates and friends; peer approval may be considerably more important for the students that the attention of the teacher which for younger children is so crucial. Adolescence is recognized as the difficult time, not only for the teens themselves but also for their parents, teachers and society. As education always walks side by side with psychology, it is better to connect those psychological aspects of the students with their ways of learning a language.

B. Concept of Motivation
It is commonly believed that motivation plays an important role in learning. There is a strong relationship between motivation and learning. There is no learning if there is no will to learn. Motivation causes courage that affects all organisms.
Motivation can give significant efforts for every learner. Students with high motivation may get better performance in learning. Students with high motivation generally learn and do better. Motivation gives the person energy or spirit to do the best. If students can generate their motivation inside, it will help them much in learning.
In Islamic instruction also proceeded to have high motivation in learning. With the high motivation in learning, the knowledge learnt can be absorbed and stick in mind and heart, so the knowledge will be useful for her self and others.
The Koran verse concerning with the motivation in Islam, especially to learn or learning motivation are:

يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا مِنْكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرٌ. (المجادلة: ١١)

“…Allah will exalt those of you who believe, and those who are given knowledge, in high degrees; and Allah is Aware of what you do.” (Q.S. Al-Mujadillah: 11)

It is clear that Islam gives motivation to all the people even obliged to every Moslem or Moslem woman to always study and learn. It is also explained that the position of clever people is better than the active people who do the religious duties but have no knowledge.
In classroom, the teachers can be facilitator to improve students’ motivation. The teachers have the biggest opportunity to be motivator because they have more time and chance to interact with students in the classroom. Teachers and students interact will so that the students feel desire, have spirit, potential and capability that increase self-worthy. Motivated students can learn faster and easily since they have strong will and confidence to learn.

1. Definition of Motivation
Related to the process of foreign language learning there are some definitions of motivation as psycholinguists give them.
a. Motivation is desires, needs and interest that arouse organism and direct it toward a specific goal.
b. Motivation is some kind of internal drive that encourages somebody to pursue a course of action.
c. Motivation is the thoughts and feelings we have which make us want to do something, continue to want to do it and turns our wishes into action.
Motivation is the crucial force, which determines whether a learner embarks on task at all, how much energy he devotes to it, and how long he perseveres. It is a complex phenomenon and includes many components: individual drives need for achievement and success, curiously, desires for stimulation and new experience.
In this study, the writer uses some terms of motivation by Harmer. They are: motive, basic drive, and desire. As a matter of fact, these terms are quite similar in meanings.
Motivation is essential to success that we have to do something to succeed at it. Since motivation is important, it makes sense to try and develop our understanding of it.
Finally, the writer adopts the definition of motivation from the general point of view. In general, motivation is characterized as a complex integration of internal processes, which arouse, sustain, and direct behavior. Typically, there is some goal or incentive to which such activity is directed, and attainment of the incentive deduces the motivated activity.

2. Types of Motivation
Motivation can be classified in two main types: extrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation can be defined this way:
Intrinsically motivated activities are ones for which there is no apparent reward expect the activity itself. People seem to engage in the activities for their own sake and not because they lead to an extrinsic reward…intrinsically motivated behaviors are aimed at bringing about certain internally rewarding consequences, namely, feelings of competence and self-determination.
Extrinsically motivated behaviors, on the other hand, are carried out in anticipation of a reward from outside and beyond the self. Typical extrinsic rewards are money, prize, grades, and even certain types of positive feedback. Behaviors initialed solely to avoid punishment are also extrinsically motivated, even though numerous intrinsic benefits can unlimitedly accrue to those who, instead, view punishment avoidance as a challenge that can build their sense of competence and self-determination.
There are two types of motivation in learning English, i.e. integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. Instrumental motivation: this is when the students learn the second language for instrumental purpose. For example, it may be a compulsory school subject or it may be required for post-graduate work, for his carrier or for travel abroad. There is no desire on his part to go be on the language as a tool to fulfill rather limited purposes. The other kind of motivation is cold integrative. In this case, the students learn the language with the desire to identify him-self with another culture. It was found that students with integrative motivation have greater success at learning the second language than those with merely instrumental motivation.

3. Factors Affecting Motivation in Learning Foreign Language
The motivation that brings students to the task of learning English can be affected and influenced by the attitude of a number of people. It is worth considering what and who these are since they form part of the world around students’ feeling and engagement with the learning process.
a. Parental Involvement
A very important factor involved in motivating student and creating life long is the parents. Parental involvement in school and home is important because it produces good role models, and it also gives the students another source to learn.
There are two main roles that parents play in their children’s learning process:
1) An active role, which involves encouragement, support and monitoring and
2) A passive role, which involves indirect modeling and communicating attitudes related to second language learning and the second language community.
b. Teachers
Other important factors on student motivation are the teachers who teach them. According to Perry as quoted by Lumsden:
“What the teacher do and say promote intrinsic motivation in their classroom. Studies have shown that there is correlation between motivated students and good teacher-student relationship with mutual respect and admiration”.

Teachers and students both regard the teacher-pupil relationship as the most significant variable affecting pupil’s attitude toward second language learning. In their position of group leaders, teachers are largely responsible for development of group characteristics in this class, which in turn affects student’s motivation.

When a student respects and looks up to their teacher the student gains the motivation to work hard for that teacher. Younger students strive for the teacher. This gives that motivation to complete work and behave well. Another teacher attribute that improves students’ motivation is the ability for the teacher to be flexible in their lesson to their students and to move in direction to keep the students engaged.
c. The Classroom
When it come to lessons and curriculum, there are many things a teacher can do ti improve motivation in her or this classroom. The firs thing a teacher should do is to become familiar with the students and get to know their individual learning needs. All teachers need to understand that everyone learns differently. Most people have a hard time concentrating for more then twenty minutes at a time. If possible, try to move around the classroom for different activities and make the lessons as short yet as informative as possible.
Doing different activities often facilitate learning for all the different types of learners is important. Because not everyone learns in the same way, a teacher should take one lesson and split it up into an auditory activity when student can move around while they are engaged to learn. If just one of these type is satisfied, there will be many students in the classroom who are left out and unmotivated. Those students will lose all of motivation for the subject; with this, if the lesson are short, students will have an easier time remaining.
d. Classroom Environment
The environment of the classroom is important as will. According to Hutchinson as quoted by Lumsden:
“Room temperature, comfort of seating, background noise and visual distraction are all factors of environment that can affect concentration and motivation. Students must be comfortable for effective learning to occur. To keep the students engaged, teachers must also consider the set up of their classroom. It is important that every student can see and hear the lesson. Student who may have hearing or vision impairment may be placed in the front of the classroom. If there is a lot of discussion in the classroom or moving around, it might be more effective to set up the classroom in a semi-circle structure. Through it is difficult to include all of these factors in the classroom, as a teacher, any little bit will help”.

e. Peers
Along with parents and teachers, another group that the students interact with everyday is their peers. Meriam-Webster’s dictionary as quoted by Lumsden defines peers as “one belonging to the same societal group especially based on the age, grade, or status”. Peers have a large role in the motivation for the students. Especially at the Junior High School, students are trying to find themselves.
A student who is more confused about who they are depending more on his/her peer’s opinion. A student in this situation may be more motivated to impress his/her peer than to work hard in school.
From the description above, the writer concludes that there are many factors that influence the students’ motivation and they have to support each other because those factors will determine the success of the learning process.

C. Songs
Teachers are almost the total control of the running of the classroom, including setting and enforcing rules. Although we may not be able to choose our actual classroom, we can still do a lot about their physical appearance and the emotional atmosphere of our lessons. Both of these can have powerful effects on the initial and continuing motivation of students.
Teacher can decorate even the most unattractive classroom with all kinds of visual material to make them more agreeable as learning environments. Teachers can change the atmosphere through such things as the use of song. Song makes learning easier and is therefore a viable strategy for today’s classroom.
Song can create an exiting environment full of emotion and rich language. It allows the listener to acquire and transfer information kinesthetically and concretely. It can impart valuable concepts to students, which they can build self-esteem and create a sense of inclusion and collaboration. It also provides valuable opportunities to synthesize and combine learning in other subject areas and disciplines. The evidence is clear that we can achieve more success in learning through the strategic use of song. Song forms a natural bridge to literacy. It is a medium which children are built to enjoy.
If the students feel comfort, enjoy and happy in the classroom they must be interested in accept the materials. In it would be good interaction in the class between teacher and students.

1. Definition of Song
As mentioned by some experts who provide their views that song is:
a. Song is a short piece of music with words that you sing.
b. A song is a musical composition. Songs contain vocal parts that are performed with the human voice and generally feature words (lyrics), commonly accompanied by other musical instruments.
c. Another definition of song is a short musical work set to a poetic text, with equal importance given to the music and to the words. It may be written for one or several voices and is generally performed with instrumental accompaniment.
Based on some definition of song above, it can be stated that song is a work of art, which combines a set or group of words with the musical accompaniment to express human feeling through any different theme, such as love, pain, nature, etc.
Song is a natural and very personal language. Song is accessible to the slow learners, the gifted child, the handicapped, the young and the old, so that is truly universal, which can be listened by everyone. Song is a way of expressing personal ideas or integrated ideas of others through performances of rhythm, melody and harmony. Nevertheless, not all kinds of song use to stimulate the intelligence.
The development of songs in the world is very fast. It means that song has spread out in the whole world: in Asia, America, and Europe-every where. Everybody listens to song from children to the elders.
Teachers who want to select a song as media in their teaching need to know the basic elements of song because it requires a good sense of musical sound to procedure a pleasant sounding.
1) Melody
Melody is a series of notes sounding in succession. The notes of melody are typically created with respect to pitch system such as scales or modes. The rhythm of melody is often based on the inflections of language, the physical rhythm of dance, or simply periodic pulsation.
Melody is typically divided into phrases within a larger over aching structure. The elements of melody comprise pitch, duration, dynamics, and timbre.
2) Rhythm
Rhythm is the main element of music that is formed of a group of sound and silent with a long short in a different time. Shortly, it is a long-short pattern of sound in a song.
3) Lyric
Lyric is a set of words that accompany music, either by spoken word or by singing. The word lyric came to be used for the “words of song”. The sung words of a song are called” lyrics”.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, lyric is now the name for a short poem, usually divided into stanzas and directly expressing the poet’s own thoughts or sentiments. In ordinary language, the word often means a song. It can be the short of song that was sung in the modern world to the music of the guitar. Nevertheless, there are many lyrical poems which would be unsuitable for singing. Many poems express the poet’s own thoughts or sentiments without being lyrics all.
The term lyric is now used for any short poem with a single speaker, not necessarily the poem himself, who expresses personal thought and feelings rather than public events. However, the term also includes extended poetic expression of a complex evolution of mind, such as the elegy and the ode. A lyric is usually stanzaic (or written in stanzas), and euphoric, having sweet sounds which please the ear.

2. Song in Language Teaching
a. Principles Song Selection Criteria
There are some principles in selecting the songs criteria used in teaching language. Those are:
1) Use songs that are popular with the students whenever possible. Unfortunately, students frequently select songs for classroom use which are objectionable in some way making the song unusable.
2) Songs MUST have clear and understandable lyrics. Nothing is worse than a song almost nobody can understand. If you have trouble understanding the lyrics by listening, then another song needs to be selected.
3) Songs should have an appropriate theme. There's enough bad news, negativity and violence in the world already. Songs with any type of negative theme should be avoided. There are plenty of positive, upbeat, even humorous songs available.

b. The Incredible Benefits of Teaching English with Songs
1) Songs help learn vocabulary, grammar and syntax
Learning with songs really works as children hear whole sentences and absorb grammar and syntax subconsciously. It's an easy way for them to learn and remember words and phrases.
2) They can use meaningful language in context
Children hear vocabulary and phrases in a natural and meaningful context and no longer as isolated words or sentences.
3) Songs can be catchy and re-usable
Unlike a listening comprehension a song is catchy and fun and ESL students will be happy hearing it many times over a several months, as long as you don't play it to death in a single lesson.
4) Songs enhance listening skills
Naturally listening to any English song helps listening skills as long as the language is within the grasp of the learner.
5) They improve speaking fluency with the natural rhythms of language
When using songs for ESL that are performed by native speaker children hear the natural rhythms and stresses of English and this helps their pronunciation and speaking fluency.
6) Integrating music and actions makes your lesson appeal to wider learning styles
Along with the music, melody and rhythm actions can be found to go with the song. Actions may be used with any song and not just with obvious 'action songs' like Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. This immediately pushes the boat out to reach more pupils by encompassing a variety of learning styles in class.
Kinesthetic and tactile learners will latch on to using their bodies to the music while Auditory learners are in their element listening. Visual learners see others making the actions and can look at story pictures or vocabulary flashcards relating to the song. Everybody is happy, except for the tiny minority of people who do not like music!
7) Songs are fun and motivate pupils
Only at number seven on this list but yet a gigantic benefit is the fact that using music can lift the atmosphere in class, bring in a boost of energy and zest for life that captures the children's attention and motivates them in their quest to learn English.
8) Songs can be confidence building
Using songs for ESL is a way for children to listen and practice English in a group, joining in when they can without being singled out, and gradually achieving more with each listening. A huge boost in confidence can be gained from this, which percolates through to all learning.
9) Songs are memory aids
We all know how songs can stick in our heads and this is exactly what we want for our English language learners.
10) Songs help with classroom management
More mundane but absolutely crucial to a teacher is that putting on a song immediately attracts the attention of the class. All pupils join in with the actions and/or start to sing along. The teacher now has their attention if he/she did not before!
In summary songs allow pupils to hear English in context, naturally, to listen repeatedly, to enjoy learning, to be more involved with TPR (total physical response), to be focused and motivated and remember language more easily and for longer. Songs also help with classroom management.

c. The Weaknesses of Using Songs.
However we all know that every technique has limitations. The use of songs also has weaknesses as shown below:
1) It requires a lot of teaching media such as a tape recorder, cassettes, and the songs related to the topic. Furthermore, it spends a lot of time because the teacher does not only teach phrasal, but also sing the songs.
2) The teacher will have problem and undisciplined noise in class if she/he can not manage the class well. Furthermore, not all students like the selected songs.

3. Procedure and Principles of Applying Song
Sarah Philips offers guidelines for doing action song in class that are summarized as follows:
a. Play or sing the song once or twice with the student just listen, so that they begin to absorb the tune and rhythm.
b. Now play or sing the song again and get them to clap the rhythm and or hum the tune to the music.
c. Get them to join in the actions with you.
d. Ask them if they can tell what the song means from the actions. Explain anything they do not understand.
While according to Haycraft, the procedures of applying English songs are as follows:
a. Play the tape as many times as necessary and ask questions.
b. Get the class to use line-by-line following the tape.
c. Show the students the script and get the class to sing it following the tape.
d. Divide up the class and have a group, each singing a line. Replay the tape as often as necessary. Find out who has a good voice and try to get solos.
e. Bring out the students to conduct different combinations until the song is familiar.
f. Play and sing whenever you want to revise. It is a good idea to play songs at the beginning of class while everyone is setting down.
In doing the research, the writer proposed her own procedure to reach the goal talk. The first is the teacher given background information or question relating to the topic. Second showed the script and let the students listen to the song to recognize the lyric, rhythm and melody of the song then the teacher asked the students to do the exercise white listening to the song. Then the teacher and the students discussed and understand of the lyric line by line. Finally, the teacher gives time in doing action and singing the song together. Hopefully it will be very useful to gain the objective of the study given that is improving motivation in learning English.

D. Previous Research
The writer will describe some theses that are relevant to make the study arrangement easier:
Teaching phrasal verbs using songs to the second grade of Senior High School at MAN Tegal by Dewi Puspitasari (2201402532) of English Department Languages and Arts Faculty of Semarang State University. It stated that the use of songs to teach phrasal verbs to the second grade of senior high school students was successful. The result of the study showed that after treatment there is a significant difference on students’ phrasal verbs mastery between those who have been taught using songs and without songs. From this statement, it was said that songs are effective enough to be used in teaching phrasal verbs. Thus, they can be used as an alternative media in teaching phrasal verbs.
The role of song to teach English vocabulary through listening at the second grade of Senior High School at SMAN 1 Ungaran by Muhimatul Ifadah (2201401544) of English Department Languages and Arts Faculty of Semarang State University. It stated that the use of song in teaching listening to the second grade of Senior High School Students is very helpful. The result showed that the students’ achievement on the posttest (82.2%) was higher than that of the pretest (42.1%). It could be seen that the treatment gave significant result for the students’ improvement in vocabulary. Through the calculation of the score, it was found out that those who got high score gave positive responses for the questionnaire; it implied that listen to English songs improved the vocabulary acquisition, especially if the listening to English songs is a habit; it will improve the vocabulary acquisition. It could be concluded that listen to English songs is effective for the students and it could be used as a means to teach vocabulary.
Most of the research deals with particular subject of English skills, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. In this study, the writer will focus on the use of songs to improve students’ motivation in learning English to the second grade of Senior High School students.

E. Statement of Action Hypothesis
Hypothesis of this study is that the use of song is an effective way to improve student’s motivation in learning English.

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